Friday, July 24, 2009

Depressing? I think so!

So today, as with many of my days off I have these mighty plans of grandeur. Today I was going to paint the guest bathroom, (this task required me to go to home de-pot to buy some essential items), write two papers, go shopping (which requires me to go online and price match), fold laundry, clean the house, clean the fridge, have dinner ready when Steven got home, finish some of my new creative ideas, take Zoe for a run, Get Zoey Groomed, Ship the extra reciever that is in the box, back to DISH network and that list could seriously go on and on...

What actually happened today, I did paint the bathroom, and it looks fabulous, if only i had actually remembered to buy a new shower rod... everything is done except for paiting behind the toliet and hanging the new light fixture. (just a warning for those of you who live in the building, all of our light fixtures are off center in our bathrooms, and a stud just happens to be in the dead center, it is a purely joyful filling in the hole and making the new lights center.)

I took out the garbage and cleaned out the fridge and took the garbage out again.

I went shopping, after finding all my items in less than thrity minutes, i waited in line and then found the only cashier in walmart who didn't know how to price match, needless to say a lot of people behind me were pissed off.

Got home, called Steven, found out that we were going to go on a date instead of me cooking dinner. 60 dollars later and one of the best dinners, i seriously mean best dinners of my life we went and saw "The Proposal", I found it completely Hiliarious, but then again I like akward humor.

We got home at 12, and me being the big dork that I am, made Steven stay up with me and watch "So You Think You Can Dance" and "LA Ink"..... that brings us to about one thirty in the morning....

Steven goes to bed and I stay up to write my two papers... well I finished my first paper, three pages in and hour, i was feeling rather proud, thinking to myself look at me go, I am so smart and gosh i love to write.... Only to come to citing my references.... it seriously took me an hour and then some to correctly type MLA format citations...

How lame is that? I didn't accomplish hardly anything on my tasks of TO DO's... oh well this is life, and at least Steven drags me away so I don't ruin myself by doing task after task after task... which i have been known to do as of late. So thanks Honey! I am completely grateful that you spend time with me and love me enough to protect me from myself and my OCD tendecies, but next time please don't drive so close to those damn semi's.

So it is 4:17 in the morning I am going to try and sleep, because morning will come extremely soon.. So good night and good morning to some of you... have a great day, and I wish you a great today, tomorrow, and forever....


T. Driaza said...

That is too funny! Good job at least accomplishing some of your "TO DO" list. FYI--It's great you started that habit now because that was one piece of advice my mom gave me. Otherwise you'd find yourself in your pjs all day when you become a mom! So "TO DO's" are a plus!! Can't wait to see pictures of the bathrooms!

Jenny said...

I am glad you stayed up until 4... it made it so Claire had a nap buddy.

The weekend was fun. glad you were there.

Brad and Rochelle said...

There is never enough time in the day to do everything! Steven is a good guy to help you unwind. We should do a BBQ sometime.

Chris and Heather said...

I think you got alot done on your day off. I know how it feels when you don't everything done that you want to.

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

I think our lists of things that we have to do just get longer, and more boring.. man I love stevie!! We all need to have family night agian.. I just miss those days... Hope all is well! :)

Chelsea said...

Oh how I can relate with the MLA citations. It always took me that long too! You and your hubby are a good fit sound like a great date night! P.S. your "To Do" list is insane especially if that is just for one day!