Thursday, July 16, 2009

So my life gets busy and the last thing on my mind is remembering to blog. So well I am putting off doing my homework and going to sleep here are some things that have been going on recently in my world.

I bought a new, bigger book shelve last week, it is almost filled up, and my old one will be filled up as soon as I find the motivation to pull all of our other books out of storage. Nice huh?

I still have handed in all my English papers in on time, and am thrilled that I only have 5 more assignments to complete in this course!

Last week Kenzy came and stayed with Steven and me. She is such a riot I love her so much! Funny story about our time together, we went to The Proposal together and were the only ones in the theater that laughed out loud. I guess it is a good thing that both of us don’t care what people think of us, because that might have been hazardous on our health.

Kenzy and I did craft time, her paintings turned out to be completely awesome. I am so proud of her.

A couple of weeks ago my phone of three short months died, I now have a new phone, with a sweet cover that will hopefully protect it from me. Something completely tragic about this situation is I lost all of my numbers!! And my call schedule is in my phone so I know when I can plan trips and when I can’t, luckily for me Bre saved me this last weekend by taking my call. On a lighter note the new phone isn’t a touch screen, thank goodness, my last phone was a pain in the butt, I could hardly ever text or for that matter call people that I wanted too, because my phone wouldn’t corporate.

I made some really cool wedding shower invites for my friend Tania. Maybe I will import them onto the computer… or I will be lazy…

I finally finished my painting, so I could send it to Eric Littlewood. Thank goodness that is off my TO DO LIST.

I ran into an old friend’s mom today, and then spoke to my old friend for quite some time on the phone; I invited her and her husband over for dinner. I then wrote her number down, first mistake since I was talking to her on her mom’s phone, second mistake getting in the habit of throwing away my price matching ads on my way out of Wal-Mart. So even though I could have put her number directly into my phone, like an idiot I didn’t, and now I am back at square one.

I really need to finish painting my house.

I got my first cooking related burn today, I hope to never repeat that mistake or make another one that would yield the same result.

Ever since I read The Hunger Games: I have been getting hungry more often, weird huh? (The book has very little to do with the consumption of food, well the characters consume food, that isn’t the plot of the book.)

I love that Steven rubs my feet and back without me asking him, I also love that he texts me sweet nothings throughout the day…

We may buy a truck.

I need to start depleting items on the almighty to do list and stop adding items to said list.

I think that I am done ranting for tonight, I am sure that I left a ton out and I am sorry but I am only human and I make a lot of mistakes!

funny thing i just thought of, here are the things that i have written my papers on in English; the over consumption and dept of the US, That young adults in our country are to narcissistic, smoking indoors, needs to be banned world wide, and education about what second hand smoke does to its victims, and taking a realistic approach to sex education in our country. Aren't I the biggest freaking nerd or what?


Kam said...

You make me laugh!!! I love your ranting. I am so glad you came to the shower yesterday, it was so much fun to hide in the kitchen with you and Kendra...;)

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

I love it when you up date, and I can read all about your busy life! you make your blogs so fun to read! Hope to see you guys soon!!! :)