Friday, November 7, 2008


8 Shows I like to watch...
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. LA Ink
3. John and Kate plus eight
4. Ghost Hunters
5. The Hills
6. Plant Earth
7. ......
8. ......

8 Restaurants I Like...
1. Olive Garden
2. Cafe Rio
3. La Cocina
4. Akaskia (great sushi place)
5. Buca Di Beppo
6. Lone Star
7. Black Angus
8. Arby's

8 Things that happened yesterday...
1. Went to school
2. Went to the mall
3. Packed
4. Watched Zoey and Polo play (my dog and my parents dog)
5. Drove to my Parents house
6. Rigged a sweet "new" stereo into my car, it is so Ghetto!!!
7. Ran into an old friend in the mall---crazy!!!
8. Got gas in my car....

8 things I'm looking forward to...
1. Snow (I realize that I am a sick person)
2. Applying to nursing school
3. Finishing Nursing school
4. Getting my sectional
5. The end of this semester
6. Seeing my friends this weekend
7. Going to the Temple today
8. A big fat trip to Europe one day....

8 things on my wish list...
1. I want to go skydiving
2. I want to go to Hawaii
3. I want to go to Africa and do humanitarian work
4. I want to go on a cruise
5. I want both Steven and I to have newer cars
6. I want a scumba
7. I want a house with a big yard (one day in the very distant future)
8. I would love to be independently wealthy but wouldn't everyone.....

I tag Ashlie, Tiana, and Heather.....


Jenny said...

I still can't belive you and Steven don't watch to office. If you just gave it a chance it would be 1st on your list.

When you go on your big fat trip to Europe we want to join you.

Jenny said...

This is what Brad thinks:


Translation: I love her

Stacy said...

Sad to say, but I could never finish this tag! I rarely watch TV now- do to us not having cable anymore! And I don't eat out that often. Well I guess I could fill out the others, but mine would be almost the same as yours! I want to be wealthy, help others, and GET INTO A NURSING PROGRAM!! I do agree with Jenny though, The Office is FUNNY!

Annie said...

kari, LAink, seriously??? oh my oh my! and i agree 110% with jenny! the office is the BEST! i have season 1 on dvd, if you want to start at the very beginning!

T. Driaza said...

Ahhh! You're my second tag of the day! This one is a lot easier though! I promise I'll post mine tomorrow! OMG I totally think we should have a Hills party! I love that show! I've so behind on it though..I'll have to catch up online :)