Saturday, November 28, 2009

50 things on my mind at almost 4 in the morning

So here I sit, it is 3 am, and I can't sleep.... So I am going to post... Because of the time I am going to post my thoughts in single sentences.

1. I hate it when I am tired but I can't sleep.
2. I am really hungry, but nothing sounds good.
3. I put up my Christmas tree yesterday; I forgot how much I like my tree.
4. One of my good friends gave me some beautiful Christmas ornaments.
5. They are the only ornaments that I own.
6. I am still working on liking Christmas.
7. I know what you are thinking... It is true... promise... just ask Steven... I don't like Christmas but I am trying, because I love him.
8. I just want this semester to end.
9. We went shooting Thanksgiving morning.
10. I really like shooting, and I always forget how much I like until I get out there and spatter a pigeon.
11. I miss my family.
12. I guess I should call them more and make more of an effort.
13. But then again we are the type of family that calls when we have big news and sometimes on holidays.
14. I am glad that I am almost done Christmas shopping.
15. I hate those crazy holiday shoppers... one of the many reasons that I dislike Christmas.
16. Don't judge me Christ was born in April...
17. Starting in 2010 we will be teaching in the senior Primary.
18. I don't know how I feel about it.
19. I still haven't decided what I want to work next semester.
20. I keep asking Steven what I should work, because I can't decide.
21. Steven's Xbox 360 has the ring of death, again..
22. I thought that I wanted a wii.
23. Then I realized that I wouldn't have time to play it.
24. Killed that idea really quick.
25. I could sit and stare at Steven's paintings all day.
26. I wish it would snow.
27. I LOVE the SNOW.
28. I can't believe that I have almost been married for 3 years.
29. I learned how to curl my hair using a straightener yesterday.
30. It was quite the adventure...
31. I really should just take a sleeping pill.
32. I thought blogging would help my sleep respecters take over.
33. I wish I could clean this late, but that would be noisy and wake up my neighbors.
34. It is still weird to me when my friends from high school have kids.
35. I still feel like I am a child myself, but they are all grown up and have babies.
36. I wish I were more of a sensitive person.
37. I like it when Zoey sleeps in the bed with us.
38. She is a very good heater.
39. Almost all of my TV shows that I TiVo are sucking more and more. Thanks to So You Think You and Dance and The Biggest Loser, for making TV bearable for me.
40. What to do on Dec 4-7th? Hmm...
41. I finally finished my Reimann Family book.
42. I couldn't do the ugly pages, I tired, but I just couldn't.
43. My friend at work (Chase) told me that my pages were too dark.
44. I told him that I like the dark, maybe that’s why I am wide awake at 3:37 in the morning.
45. My other friends liked them...
46. But I am kind of dark and twisty...
47. I would rather be cold than hot or even warm except in the car I like to be warm in the car.
48. What to snack on.. Conundrum.
49. I love that word. Say it Conundrum, it is fantastic.
50. I think that I am done, well at least for tonight.


Steven said...

my ranting wife. i love you.

T. Driaza said...

You are too funny! Love the post. By the way...I'm halfway through your book. I LOVE it! Thanks!

The Reel Fisch Story said...

I hate those moments in the middle of the night when your mind just wont shut up!! btw- I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE BIGGEST LOSER finale next week!!

Brandon and Alexa Leishman said...

I love love love it when you update, it makes my day every time!! You always have something funny that can make me laugh! (i love the Christmas season, but i do hate shopping!!) I love the new pictures of you and stevie! and cute little Zoe!

Chris and Heather said...

Kari, great post. I have trouble sleeping on Sunday nights all of the time. I am just tired enough to sleep, but still tired as you described. It stinks.

1. Where are you Christmas?
2. Why can't I find you?
3. Why have you gone away?

Hope this helps. Maybe you could listen to this song and it would cheer you up.....Just think about beating me in Mario Kart 64 back in the day.